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"A man after God's heart."


David is complicated character. He’s first introduced as the youngest son of Jesse, who was “ruddy, and had beautiful eyes, and was handsome” (1 Samuel 16:12). From a young age, he was anointed as the next king of Israel, though it would take years for that to actually happen.

Perhaps most famously, he makes the history books as a young shepherd boy, who had enough faith in the power of God that he was willing to face a giant with just a slingshot and five smooth stones.

But David also gets himself into trouble when he finally becomes King, and decides that he can have anything he wants, including the beautiful married woman across the way. He was even willing to have a man murdered to get what he wanted.

Then, on another occasion, David leaped and danced through the streets of the newly captured Jerusalem, the city that would become the capital and the very dwelling place for God. But David didn’t just dance with joy, he did so in something like a speedo (see 2 Samuel 6:14). Don’t worry, David’s own wife was embarrassed by his actions.

Beyond his titles, David was also a musician and poet who had an incredible way of expressing his faith through words and song. We attribute many of the psalms to David, and they offer us a beautiful picture of David’s faith and show us why he is often remembered as “a man after God’s heart.”

I warned you, David is complicated. His life is full of ups and downs, of triumphs and mistakes, of joy and sorrow. But through it all, one thing remains, God was faithful to David.

God once chose him and called him to be King, then God never wavered. Whether David was acting in great faith or making great mistakes. God was there. And God was using David.

Maybe we’re all something like David. For God chooses and calls each of us, then promises to be at work in our lives from beginning to end.

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