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There's a Psalm for Everything

eclipse viewing in Franklin, TN

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are humans that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?

Psalm 8:3-4

We begin a new sermon series on Sunday!

For several thousand years the psalms have provided a rich resource of prayer and worship for the people of God. Jesus would have learned them at his mother’s knee and during his ministry he drew from them on numerous occasions.

Since then, the psalms have been the bedrock of daily prayer for Christians. They are an honest record of the relationship between humans and God. It’s part of what makes them unique. Most of the Bible speaks to us, but the psalms speak for us. The psalms are given to us as a model for talking to God about our souls. They give a voice to our prayers when we aren’t sure what to say ourselves. 

Because what we know is that life is difficult and, at some point, all of struggle with how we should feel, what we should think, and how we should respond when life gets hard. We all lose the words for prayer. And that’s where the psalms come in.

As we’ll discover, no matter what happens, there’s a psalm for that. There’s a psalm for everything; every mood, every event, sad, bad, happy, hopeful, motivating, relaxing... everything! And so, no matter the situation, it is possible to say, ‘There’s a psalm for that!’

Throughout all cultures, at all times, God’s people have turned to the psalms for comfort, encouragement, and delight. That’s why the psalms are so precious to us—they have a way of finding us wherever we may be. And so, whatever you may be going through, whatever season of life you may find yourself in, I pray you’ll be found by the psalms this spring. Because there’s a psalm for that.

I hope you’ll join us for this new series!

Grace and peace,


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