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We are a church that is growing and we value being in relationship with one another.  We value coming together to study God's Word, and being a place where the whole family can come together.

Bible Studies

First Look Tuesdays at 1:30 pm

Join us each Tuesday afternoon as we delve into the upcoming sermon with Pastor Kimmy.

Practices for God's Beloved
Wednesdays @ 10am

As we journey through life, and through faith, it is important to root ourselves in the truth of who God is and who we are. This group is an opportunity to discover, or re-discover, those truths, while engaging in simple practices that bring us into God’s presence and help us experience life as God’s beloved. It is designed for ordinary people who are seeking to follow Christ within the pressures, problems, and pain of everyday life.

Come and join the conversation on Wednesdays at 10:00am. The class will continue through the spring. There will be no assigned homework, but this group will include time for personal reflection and group sharing as part of the in-person class. Facilitated by Kimmy Briggs

Teach Us To Pray
Thursdays @ 7pm

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel once said, “Prayer is our humble answer to the inconceivable surprise of living.” In other words, prayer is instinctive, a part of human nature. Even as church attendance dwindles, prayer hasn’t gone away. Recent studies even suggest that more Americans will pray in a given week than will exercise, drive a car, or go to work. Everybody prayers. Everybody always has.


And yet, many, including Christians, find prayer to be boring or obligatory or confusing, or maybe most often, all of the above. In some sense, we have probably made prayer too complicated, but that’s hardly surprising given the number of ideas and books about prayer that circulate our world.


And yet, prayer is essential. We must learn to pray. We have to. For prayer provides the foundation of our life with God.


All are welcome to a new a six-week study called “Teach Us to Pray.” We will meet on Thursdays at 7pm, beginning on Thursday, April 18. Together we’ll explore questions such as “What is prayer? Why pray? How do we pray? And why doesn’t God answer my prayers?” There will be no required homework or preparation, but you will be encouraged to practice praying between classes. Facilitated by Kimmy Briggs.



Practice on Sundays at 9:45 a.m.

We invite everyone with a musical talent to share that talent with our congregation on Sundays. You can join in with our choir to sing or share your talent with an instrument. 

Coffee Hour

Sundays after worship

Stick around after worship and enjoy a time of fellowship, fun and surprises! 



Something for Everyone

Outside of worship, coffee hour, choir and bible studies, FPC offers other events to promote fellowship and community relationships. Please visit our Events page to see what exciting things we have going on.

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