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We've Returned!


Our Egypt crew arrived safely home! I think I can speak for all of us to say, while we are deeply grateful for the chance to travel to Egypt, it is also good to be home. And we look forward to worshipping with our church family on Sunday!

We had an amazing trip! I hope you got to see some glimpses of our time through the pictures on Facebook. But while we travelled together, and saw the same things, we each return home with our own stories, our own experiences, our own learnings, and our own reflections. And so, it would be impossible (and wrong) for me to become the voice of our group or attempt to offer a summary of our experience or our learnings.


And so, instead, I would encourage you to talk to each member of our team, to hear each of our experiences and learnings.


Not sure what to ask? Here are a few ideas:

-          Who in Egypt did you make a meaningful connection with?

-          Where did you see God in Egypt?

-          How is your faith growing because of your time in Egypt?

-           What are you still thinking about as you return home?


There will be more formal opportunities to hear about our trip after we have had some time to process and reflect. But for now, as you run into any of us at church or around town, I would encourage you to start a conversation, because I am confident that just as our faith has grown and been encouraged, so too will our stories grow and encourage your faith.


Thank you for your prayers and support as we travelled! And I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!


Grace and peace,





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