Words are important.
Author Trevor Hudson writes, “Words have the power reveal or hide ourselves, to build or break community, to help or hurt our neighbor. When used carefully words facilitate self-disclosure, foster communion and release healing. When used carelessly, they create confusion, generate conflict and cultivate chaos.”
In the beginning God created the heavens and the with words. With words Jesus calls Lazarus out from the tomb, rebukes the unclean spirit in the synagogue worshiper, orders the paralytic to get up and commands the raging waves to become still.
Words are powerful.
So, fast forward to the New Testament and God speaks to Jesus some of the most important words we hear in the Bible.
“This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).
These words of identity; words that form the foundation of how Jesus sees himself.
But note this, the story of Jesus’ baptism occurs before Jesus has done anything significant, before anyone was healed or any demons were cast out, before he had preached any sermons or told any parables, before he had answered anyone’s question with another question, before he had called out the Pharisees or cleared out the temple, or laid down his life on the cross and defeated death – before he had done any of those things, the Father delights in the Son and says, “With you I am well pleased.”
As we hear those words spoken to Jesus at his baptism, we are meant to internalize them as if they are spoken to us. They are the words that should root our entire identity.
We are the Beloved. With us God is well pleased.
Kayla Craig writes, “We often feel compelled to earn our worth and belovedness, but the One who grants each breath affirms our inherent worth. In light of God’s infinite love, we are beloved, the very fibers of our being woven with care. We can’t work our way to receiving God's compassion. It’s already there—as present as the twinkling stars in the sky, as near as the clouds of breath on a cold night.”
What would change in our lives if our belovednesss was the most true thing about us?
Grace and peace,Kimmy