Hello! I hope you all are having a wonderful week and are creating time to sit in the presence of the Lord.
This week, Kimmy is speaking at camp and asked me to write the newsletter. So…here goes nothing.

A lot of us may be familiar with the image of Jesus as Shepherd. Many parts of Scripture allude to this (Psalm 23 is a classic.) This image often brings up conversation about sacrifice, protection, or guidance. And while these are absolutely essential to the image of Jesus, my favorite aspect of this image is intimacy.
Jesus says “I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father” (John 10:14-15). Wow. Can we really know Jesus “just as” He knows the Father and “just as” the Father knows Him? That is quite the statement to make.
Do you think your relationship with Jesus is as intimate as His relationship with the Father?
Let’s look at another portion of this passage. “The sheep hear His voice, and He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out…and the sheep follow Him, for they know His voice” (John 10: 3-4).
Think about a person in your life whose voice you could identify from a mile away. You know their tone, their pitch, the way their words sound. You know their laugh and their cry, the way that they sing, and the way that they whisper. This familiarity can only come from being in the presence of that person—from spending time with them.
This is the kind of intimacy we are supposed to have with Jesus. He longs for us to know His voice, to spend time with Him, to trust Him. He wants a relationship with us that mirrors His relationship with His Father.
I challenge you to take time today, tomorrow, and the days to come to intentionally spend time with Jesus. Study His word, sit in His presence, talk with Him. In all that you do, seek to hear His voice. And once you’ve heard His voice, learn His voice, so that you can know His voice.
Know that I am praying with you and for you.
In grace and love, Emma