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A Homecoming Week


Most of you know that camp has been an important part of my life. Even though I wasn’t officially a camper until late in high school, my time at camp remains some of the most formative summers of my life.

Camp was the place I could ask hard questions about life and faith. Camp was the place I developed my deepest and most meaningful relationships, especially during my teenage years. Camp is the place that challenged me to try new things, to lean on others (literally and figuratively), and to step out of my comfort zone.

And it was camp that I was first told I could be a pastor.

Over the years, camp, both the place and the people, nurtured my faith and my call and I will be forever grateful for the times I was a camper, and for the six summers, and the year, I spent on camp staff.

It’s now been a decade since my last full summer on staff (which is crazy), but I am returning to camp next week! While I have led camps over the next couple summers with Yellowstone Presbytery, returning to camp this summer feels a little bit like a homecoming.

I’ll be speaking to fifty or so youth and adults who are participating in Idaho Servant Adventures, “a week-long, high-energy, action-packed service-leadership camp that bring students from youth groups across America together for four or five days to repair and transform homes, lives, and communities.”

But that’s not all, because it’s camp, I’ll also be running day camp for a bunch of kindergarten-6th graders!

It will be a busy and full week, but I am confident it will be a good week.

Thanks to Session for supporting this time of “service to the larger church” and to you all for your prayers as I journey and serve. Here’s some specific requests for next week:

  • For safe travels as I journey to and from Prichard, ID (29 miles up the Coeur d’Alene River Road in the heart of the Idaho Panhandle National Forest)

  • For the 50 or so youth and adults who will be serving as part of Idaho Servant Adventures

  • For the K-6th grade day campers who will come to camp to play and learn

  • For “Speaker Time” as I share the good news of Jesus Christ with campers!

You will be in good hands while I am away, and I will look forward to being back with you all on the 23rd.

Grace and peace,


P.S. I will be without cell phone service during the week, so if you need anything, reach out to Amy in the church office.

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