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Where Did You See God Today?

Each evening, as we gather for dinner, we’ve reflected on the question “Where did you see God today?” As we’ve traveled we’ve seen God in all sorts of places. In art and architecture. In chance encounters with strangers and in the people we’ve met in churches. In tour guides and bus drivers. In historical artifacts and the beauty of creation.


Earlier this week I preached at the morning chapel for the German Mission Hospital. Located in Aswan, the hospital is well-known and well-respected mission. They provide medical care for all, regardless of faith or finances. We were there early in the morning, but the waiting areas and offices were already crowded.


Having toured the hospital, I can hardly imagine the pain and suffering the doctors and nurses see on a daily basis. While their ministry is rooted in love and compassion, I imagine that sometimes it is hard to see the good or the light in the midst of their daily routines at the hospital.


And so, my word of encouragement to the staff was that even when God feels far away or even absent, even when everything feels dark, the promise of scripture is that God is there.


It’s an incredible promise really. Psalm 139 beautifully reminds us, “Where can I go from your Spirit? If I ascend to heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there. If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me fast.”


We’ve experienced that in Egypt. We’ve seen God everywhere we have been. God was in the joyful worship in Moassat. God was in the smiles of children living in the garbage city. God was in the unfinished sanctuary of Aswan. And God was in an empty lot in New Aswan.


God’s presence doesn’t always look like we want, or even what we expect, but God is still there, if we will only look.


We have found God in Egypt! Our faith is growing and we are being encouraged. We give thanks for all your prayers that have surrounded us and we look forward to returning home and sharing more about our journey with you.


Grace and peace,


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