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Advent & Christmas at FPC
December 1 - December 25

"Does anyone know what Christmas is all about?" asks Charlie Brown in the beloved Christmas classic A Charlie Brown Christmas. So often, like Charlie Brown, we struggle to find the real reason for Christmas, and instead we get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays. And yet, each year, Advent invites us to pause and remember the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love. So that we might be ready for the greatest gift of all.

Sundays at 10:30am

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First Look

Tuesdays at 1:30pm

Come explore the upcoming sermon text! First Look is a chance to take a step back from the scripture to learn about the text's history and context, before diving in to consider how God might be speaking to us today.  Advent focused scriptures will begin on Tuesday, December 3. Facilitated by Kimmy Briggs

A Weary World Rejoices

Wednesdays @ 10am

One of my favorite things about Advent is the tone. We don't just cruise into Christmas with triumph and rah-rah certainty that all is well. We begin by waiting. 

I feeling we know all too well.

But we don't wait in vain. Christmas brings us right to the moment of Jesus' birth - our joy realized. And so, this Advent, we squint at the light that is afar and say, "Come, Lord Jesus! We're tired of waiting."

I hope you'll join our special Advent study, A Weary World Rejoices! Wednesdays at 10:00am, beginning December 4. No preparation required!

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Let There Be: A Service of Darkness and Light

Thursday, December 19 at 7pm

When the nights grow longer, the darkness can feel overwhelming. Except the darkness isn’t just outside, we feel it too. If that’s you, this service is for you. Bring your grief. Bring your pain. Bring your loss. And come find a quiet space to draw near to God, remembering that we worship a God who is with us, even in the darkest of times.

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Children's Christmas Pageant

Sunday, December 22 @ 10:30am

Children of all ages are invited to join us for a Christmas pageant! Rehearsals will be December 1, 8, 15 during Children’s Sunday School (10:30am). The final rehearsal will be on December 22 at 9:45am. There will be a spot for everyone, even if you miss rehearsals!

Family Movie Night

Friday, December 20 @ 6pm

We all know no one wants to think about dinner on the first night of Christmas Break. So, good news! We’ll take care of it! Come, watch the beloved movie, The Grinch and enjoy a not-so-quiet night as family! Breakfast for dinner, plus drinks and a “few” special treats will be provided.

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Christmas Eve Candlelight

Wednesday, December 24 @ 7pm

“Does anyone know what Christmas is all about?” (Charlie Brown). Come, remember and worship with us as we hear the familiar words of the Christmas story, as we sing and listen to the familiar music of the season, and as we light our candles together, a reminder that we celebrate the gift of light coming into the world.

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