Advent & Christmas at FPC
December 3 - January 8
As Advent begins, we recognize that our world is weary. Such weariness is not new, even Jesus was born into a weary world. In such a world, joy might feel far off, maybe even impossible. But the birth of Jesus brings good news of great joy for all people!
And so, this Advent we will hold space for our weariness and our joy. We will seek a thrill of hope in a hurting world. We will welcome
joy – even and especially if, we are also crying out for comfort. In this weary world, we will find ways to rejoice.
Sundays at 10:30am
Morning Prayer
Available daily at 7:00am
Across the centuries, daily prayer has played an important role in shaping Christian faith and life. The practice has its roots in ancient Judaism and was continued by early Christians. In our own time, daily prayer remains a vital and formative spiritual practice for the people of God.
In the morning, as the darkness turns to light, we bless God for the new day, focusing our prayers upon the promise and challenge the new day will bring.
Join us this Advent for Morning Prayer, a brief moment to center yourself and prepare for the day ahead. You will find these Morning Prayers as videos on our Facebook page.
The Junction:
Where Faith and Family Meet
Sunday, December 3 at 9:45am
Our story begins when an angel appears to Mary to tell her that she would have a child, and she was to name the child Jesus. The story is full of twists and turns and unexpected moments, but through everything that happens, there is joy. And joy is always meant to be shared!
Children and families are welcome to join us as we explore the Christmas story! Sunday School begins for the kids at 9:45am. Then following worship, the whole family is invited to make Advent wreaths. Families will be sent home with resources to help you mark the season of Advent and Christmas.
Parents Night Out
Friday, December 8 at 6:00pm
Whether you need a date night, time for Christmas shopping (or wrapping), or just a quiet night at home, leave us the kids while you enjoy a night out!
Kids of all ages are welcome for a night of food, crafts, games, and movies. Drop-off at 6:00pm and pick-up at 8:00pm.
Dinner, drinks, and snacks provided. And the best part, it's absolutely free!
A Service for the Weary
Thursday, December 21 at 7:00pm
Sometimes, even during the holiday season, joy can feel elusive and out of reach. If that's you, this service is for you. Bring your grief. Bring your weariness. Bring your fatigue. And come to find a quiet space to reflect and drawn near to God.
We'll gather for a reflective service, including music, prayer, Communion, and silent reflection. Come as you are, and there will be space for you.
Christmas Pageant
Sunday, December 17, 10:30am
Children of all ages are invited to join us for a Christmas pageant! Come, learn the Christmas story with us. Rehearsals will be December 3, 10, and 17 at 9:45am, with the pageant in worship on Sunday, December 17.
All are welcome, even if you miss a rehearsal!
Family Movie Night
Friday, December 22 at 6:00pm
We all know no one wants to think about dinner on the first night of Christmas Break. So, good news! We'll take care of it! Come, watch the Christmas classic, Elf and enjoy a not-so-quiet night!
Dinner, drinks, and dessert (after all, the four main food groups are syrup, candy corn, candy canes, and candy) will be provided.
Christmas Eve Candlelight
Sunday, December 24 at 7:00pm
The good news of great joy is for all people! Come and worship with us as we hear the familiar words of the Christmas story, as we sing and listen to the familiar music of the season, and as we light our candles together, a reminder that the light shines in the darkness. For even in a weary world, we find reason to rejoice.
Kids are welcome to wiggle and giggle in the sanctuary. Quiet activities are available and there will be a special time for children during worship.